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Are you wondering when is 'Dune' coming to HBO Max? Find out when you can stream this new adaptation.

If you've been excited to watch the new 'Dune' adaptation, we recommend you start with 'Jodorowski's Dune' to prepare yourself. Find out what that is here.

After the 'Dune' trailer came in hot on the internet, all everyone can talk about is Zendaya. Dive deeper into her upcoming role here!

If you can’t wait to see Denis Villeneuve’s 'Dune' later this year maybe checking out David Lynch’s 1984 version of 'Dune' will tide you over.

Sometimes movie adaptations really do get it right. Check out some of the best movies out there to watch that were originally based on books here.

Tired of waiting for sci-fi movie 'Dune' to hit theaters in December 2020? Here’s everything we know about the upcoming trailer.

Here are ten of David Lynch’s best movies ranked from “fairly well loved from the get-go” to “immediately despised and possibly still so”.