HomePosts Tagged "freelance"

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From indemnity insurance to cyber security support, here are the best ways to protect your freelance film production company!

Joshua Jackson's Liquid Media Group has just announced the Projektor Platform to get aspiring independent filmmakers on their feet. Here's all we know!

We'll guide you through what it takes to be a successful freelance filmmaker and what it takes to be a successful independent filmmaker.

We’re here to provide you with the ultimate guide on how to make the most bank while picking the freelance writer jobs you want to do.

So you took our advice and you now have a solid support team in place. Here are our tips for turning your freelance team into a well-oiled machine.

How do you become a freelance writer and start earning money? Here, we offer you an ultimate guide to starting a freelance writing career.

A career in film is all about relationships coming together to create something great. But how can you exit toxic business relationships with grace?