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What exactly is there to be found in the second batch of documents chronicling Jeffrey Epstein's slimy exploits? Lets' find out.

Is Bruce Willis in hot water despite his health issues, all because he has been found in the documents of Jeffrey Epstein? Let's see.

Is Kevin Spacey letting enough time pass before entering the spotlight again despite his own past and now new present with Epstein?

What in the world would a world renowned scientist like Stephen Hawking have to do with Epstein? Let's find out.

Is Al Gore still a rich and successful climate change guy despite the new list of documents linking him to Jeffrey Epstein?

Alan Dershowitz is in some hotter water than some of his clients, or is he? Here's what Epstein's new documents hold for him.

Is Donald Trump about to lose his billions after being linked to Epstein? Let's take a closer look.