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Want to enjoy a movie night, but you're stuck with too many choices? We've narrowed down a list of some good films on Hulu. Come check them out!

Sometimes movie adaptations really do get it right. Check out some of the best movies out there to watch that were originally based on books here.

'Sharp Objects' is riddled with overdone tropes and poor characterization with a meandering tired-ass mystery at the heart of it.

Ahead of its premiere on July 8, we’re taking a look at everything you need to know about HBO's 'Sharp Objects', including cast, characters, crew, and what to

In this fine era of peak TV we find ourselves in, is it any surprise so many A-list actors and directors are ditching the big screen in favor

The industry is really going batshit for Britain right now, huh? Four years after being ordered straight to series (and hitting an apparent dead end at HBO), weird