HomePosts Tagged "Grindr"

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Here's everything you need to know about how to do speed dating in an actually effective way after so much trouble on the apps.

What exactly are these apps? And, more pertinently, what is the cultural narrative that these tools support?

Discover if Grindr's stock is on shaky ground post-controversial staff changes. Get the scoop here!

It's hard trying to find romance when there are so many options. Stop looking for love in all the wrong places and try out the best hookup sites

Did Apple really just ban Grindr? Dive into how the controversy got started and see if you need to find an alternative dating app right now!

What's the worst first date story you've ever heard? Whatever it is, these horror stories about gay sex hookups will send shivers down your spine!

Dating apps are a blessing and a curse. For a few unlucky few though, the hookup they found is soon to be their killer. Here's a deadly Grindr

There are tons of hookup sites that are available. Here are some tips on how to pick out the best sites today.

The Grindr app gives you an easy path to a casual hookup . . . until that hookup turns out to be a killer. Grab some mace and