HomePosts Tagged "Hayao Miyazaki"

Hayao Miyazaki Tag


Even in eternal rest, Hayao Miyazaki continues to spirit us away, and apparently he's not done yet! Take a look at the newest film!

Fans of horror, comedy, drama, and adventure unite! Come with us and relive 1984, the single best year for movies in history.

We’ve all felt a spooky presence around us at some point. Tremble in horror during a night full of movies about ghosts with these great titles!

Strong and passionate, Studio Ghibli's characters take our breath away. We're recognizing the venerable heroines of different Studio Ghibli films.

Are you in the mood to binge watch some of the greatest anime films of all time? Check out how you can enjoy all the Studio Ghibli movies

Studio Ghibli is finally coming out with a new movie, except there's a slight twist. Learn all about the highly anticipated Miyazaki film here.

Prove your undying adoration for the glorious characters of Studio Ghibli by taking our Ghibli character trivia quiz.

Already watched the entire Disney catalog? Find out where you can dive into the world of Studio Ghibli films right here!

Have you been wishing for a new Studio Ghibli film? Learn about 'Earwig and the Witch', the studio's first venture into CGI animation.