HomePosts Tagged "indie filmmaker"

indie filmmaker Tag


Rikke Katborg has been around the world and back as a film producer. As she starts promoting her latest film, we looked back on her career.

Barbara Lee is one of the most influential political figures of recent history. Check out her legacy immortalized in 'Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power'.

'Learning Tagalog with Kayla' looks like any old language tutorial, but the four minute short film will take you on a journey. Here's why you need to watch.

Have you watched 'Greatland' yet? We've got a sneak peak of the incredible indie film! Check out why Dana Ziyasheva is the best director to watch!

Check out the indie short film 'Fear Actually' from director Sassy Mohen and learn how some horror movie icons cope with reality.

Tyler Gallant loved acting since an early age, and after a career in hockey, he's making moves in Hollywood. Learn more about the indie film star.

We had the opportunity to have a chat with John Marco Lopez, an indie filmmaker who just made the black and white film 'Paradise City'.

The short film 'This is Not a Love Letter' is an emotional experience. Learn more about director Ariel Zucker's film taking on the tough topic of abortion.

Mark Pedelty addresses environmental controversies through media. His latest doc 'Sentinels of Silence' follows the trend taking on whale watching.