HomePosts Tagged "International Space Station"

International Space Station Tag


Blue Origin has announced that 'Star Trek' actor William Shatner will be on the next flight to space. Captain Kirk will finally reach the final frontier.

As Jeff Bezos calls today’s rocket launch a success, many wonder about the fate of NASA. Could this be the start of the end for NASA?

James Doohan may have passed away, but he still got to visit space. Find out how his ashes made it onto the ISS.

Want to see the next NASA rocket launch? It turns out most of the U.S. east coast may have the opportunity tonight.

If you’re curious about what some of the most recent UFO sightings are like, then we’ve gathered a few of them for you to check out.

Do you want to see the International Space Station? It doesn't take a telescope. Learn these tips from NASA for the best viewing opportunities.

Guess who’s coming to dinner? It might be aliens! A Russian cosmonaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) shared footage of real UFOs?