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Javier Bardem Tag


As the storm of controversy rages on, one thing is for certain: Melissa McCarthy's portrayal of Ursula will be anything but forgettable.

'Dune', the sci-fi masterpiece, is coming to theaters near you. Enjoy Denis Villeneuve's adaptation in a place that's closer than you think.

If you've been excited to watch the new 'Dune' adaptation, we recommend you start with 'Jodorowski's Dune' to prepare yourself. Find out what that is here.

From the dark ‘Black Swan’ to the epic ‘Noah’ to last year’s trippy ‘mother!’, these are the most divisive moments of Darren Aronofsky's entire career.

Better get those bunion pads out, ladies, because the 71st Cannes Film Festival is upon us. After adding more draconian layers to its already outdated rules, in recent

Blowing a dishonorable raspberry at the worst movies of the year are the recently revealed nominations for the 2018 Razzie Awards. While notable stinkers such as Transformers: The