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Nicki Minaj made waves with her vax tweet, and now Rose McGowan is involved. Unearth the details of the Twitter rant which has both celebs making headlines.

Do you believe UFOs are real or not? Well, it turns out that this conspiracy may be the only thing the left and the right can agree on.

Relations with North Korea have been at a standstill for quite some time. Check out statements from a DPRK leader and see what it means for the U.S.

A third stimulus check is finally being issued, and you're likely waiting anxiously for it. Here's how you can check the status of your money.

Joe Biden is the first president in 40 years to let his press secretary do the talking at press conferences. Can he speak for himself?

Joe Biden has okayed a cut in income caps to receive the next round of COVID-19 stimulus checks. What is the stimulus check amount?

President Joe Biden has officially extended certain COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Here's a look at where and why the travel bans are being enforced.

The Biden administration admits it doesn't know how much coronavirus vaccine the country has in reserve. is this the hand they were dealt?