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Jennifer Aniston Tag


Forget Netflix and chill! Why don't we just cuddle instead? Curl up with the love of your life and tune into these Netflix movies tonight!

In the spirit of Bennifer 2.0, are Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston falling for each other once more? It's a possibility given this new information.

We’ve gathered up our favorite 'Friends' moments from Ross & Rachel’s journey, proving the two are absolute endgame.

Braniston? Anipitt? Could they be back? Get ready for some serious shipping as we try to answer the question: is Brad Pitt dating Jennifer Aniston?

Why did Matthew Perry just dump his longtime girlfriend again, ending their engagement? See if he gave a reason on the 'Friends' reunion right now!

The 'Friends' reunion on HBO Max was everything we wanted it to be. But how did Matt LeBlanc look to fans? These Twitter memes say it all.

The 'Friends' reunion was all the buzz around the world when it finally released yesterday on Thursday, May 27th. Why did China censor the show?

Is Matthew Perry OK? Is his age catching up to him too fast? Find out why the 'Friends' reunion interview from 'People' Magazine had fans concerned.

Next stop on the James Corden World Domination tour? Hosting the 'Friends' reunion. Could there *be* any angrier responses to this? Check out the backlash!