HomePosts Tagged "jewelry"

jewelry Tag


Back in 2019, when Meghan was still an active member of the Royal Family, she chose to wear a pair of diamond earrings valued at a hefty £1990.

Jewelry is a fundamental part of fashion. Still need more reasons to buy interchangeable magnetic jewelry from us, please keep on reading.

Take a look at some must-have pieces from Charles & Keith that will help you transform your wardrobe, and make accessorizing a cinch!

There are so many women who always love to stay updated with all the fashion things and accessories that come onto the market. But jewelry is a thing

Let's start building the bracelet stack as you know how to do it. How you arrange them is entirely up to you.

Metal files are undoubtedly one of the most important items you need to have in your jewelry-making kit. There are many different types of metal files, and each

It seems that today, diamonds are far from being the only choice for those who seek to buy a dazzling ring for someone special.

Jewelry plays a big part in a woman's life. Learn more about it here.

It's important to find a happy medium between trying too hard and not trying at all.