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Kirsten Dunst Tag


Here’s our ranking of the ten best (and messiest) girls trip movies ever made that should serve as the perfect chaser for Netflix's 'Ibiza'.

Grab your Union Jack flag, because we’re about to get super regal as we rank the ten best royal brides (and weddings) ever seen on screen.

Adding a healthy dose of signature Film Daily cynicism to honor World Environment Day, we’re here to rank the best end-of-the-world films.

Get yourself in the mood for a real good apocalypse party by watching our ranking of the ten eeriest end-of-the-world scenes in movie history.

As we speculate upon just what ghoulish, greedy stories Hawley has up his sleeve for us in S4, here are eleven of the most WTF moments from 'Fargo'

Here are ten huge movie stars who shrank their Hollywood presence for the little league of TV in recent years.

Even some of the most complex of female characters can fall prey to convention. Here are some of the worst modern tropes for women seen in film and

To help get you in the mood for the return of TV’s sloppiest yet insightful show, here’s our ranking of the ten best episode of 'Drunk History' so

With 'Baywatch' arriving on Hulu on May 12, we figured you might want a guide to some other guilty pleasures you can stream online afterwards. So here’s our