HomePosts Tagged "Malec"

Malec Tag


After 'Shadowhunters', one sentiment remains on every fan’s lips: Malec forever. Matthew Daddario & Harry Shum Jr. are engraved into our hearts.

Been following the growth of the story of Alec (Matthew Daddario) & Magnus (Harry Shum Jr.) in 'Shadowhunters'? Test your knowledge with our Malec quiz.

Here’s our ranking of the ten hottest, sexiest Malec (Matthew Daddario & Harry Shum Jr.) scenes in 'Shadowhunters'. And remember: #SaveMalec.

Read why y’all love Malec – and why any buyer of 'Shadowhunters' will be graced with the most committed fans in the history of fandom.

Let’s start this conversation with how Freeflop chose to represent 'Shadowhunters' Malec relationship. Here's what we have to say.

Saddle up! We’ve got the hottest, sweatiest, sexiest Malec (Harry Shum Jr. & Matthew Daddario) moments in 'Shadowhunters' season 3 for you right here.

Here come the grooms! Get ready to take our 'Shadowhunters' quiz dedicated to the OTP Malec and their beautiful wedding.

Malec (Alec & Magnus) is the pairing TV audiences didn’t realize they needed: both LGBTQI representation and a meaningful relationship.