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Look no further than your friendly neighborhood streaming service, Netflix, to fulfill your need for good horror movies and terrifying jump scares!

A new independent film is adapting a stage play to create an exploration of mental health in the Covid era. Watch 'Night, Mother' on Twitch today.

When exactly did Jennifer Lawrence drop into the A-list bucket? If you love J. Law you should watch these popular movies.

Are you a fan of actress Jennifer Lawrence? Join us as we look at some of Jennifer Lawrence's most underrated movies.

Get yourself in the mood for a real good apocalypse party by watching our ranking of the ten eeriest end-of-the-world scenes in movie history.

From the dark ‘Black Swan’ to the epic ‘Noah’ to last year’s trippy ‘mother!’, these are the most divisive moments of Darren Aronofsky's entire career.

Hulu’s got the flavor this month with some cool as ice documentaries, frosty films, and shivery shows to chill those brains and soothe those eyes in the fever

f you’re looking for something new to stream on Hulu in the near future and are still catching up on some of the best indie films from 2017

While there are some strong contenders up for a Best Picture nomination at the 2018 Oscar Awards, the staff members of Film Daily reckon there are some far