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Palme d’Or Tag


Take a deep dive into the already headline swirling buzz surrounding Justine Triet's win at Cannes and what Jane Fonda has to do with it!

With ambitious plans and rapid worldwide growth, what will it take for Netflix and its TV shows to result in world domination for the streamer?

Soderbergh’s movies feature strong, independent, and complex female characters. Let's look at some of the auteur’s most ferocious leading ladies.

'Pulp Fiction' was an overnight sensation and won the 1994 Palme d’Or. Here’s our ranking of the ten best moments from 'Pulp Fiction'.

David Lynch pursues strange love connections to this day. Here are seven of our absolute favorite Lynchian couples ever depicted on screen.

As the years have dwindled miserably by, it’s clear we were hoodwinked into thinking Michael Moore is some genius of social and political discourse.

Cannes says its films must have French theatrical distribution. Here's our list of the best Netflix Originals that would have crushed the competition.

If you’re sick of bingewatching peak TV, here’s our pick of the Cannes Film Festival Palme d’Or winners worth seeking out from every decade.

While the Cannes Film Festival is considered the most prestigious festival in the world, perhaps this year has proved the old formula isn’t working.