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Are TV shows like 'Scandal' really doing justice for rape survivors? Check out our guide on what shows have done right and what they got wrong here.

'Party Down' is back! The revival is officially a "Ron Donald Do" at Starz and the original cast and producers are all coming back. Get your bow tie

Tessa Thompson has had quite a run. Here's a breakdown of all her great parts, from 'Thor: Ragnarok' to 'For Colored Girls'.

Honestly, Paul Rudd is just about the best Hollywood – and more recently, Netflix – has to offer. Here are twelve precise reasons as to why that’s true.

'The Big Lebowski' is ingrained in popular culture. Here are ten of the best tributes to the Coen Bros' timeless masterpiece in movies and TV shows.

'Broken Fandom: Veronica Mars' has arrived. After Marshmallows everywhere fought for twelve years, they were left very much burnt. Here's why.

Seems the writers forgot exactly why 'Veronica Mars' was so special. Here’s why, in fans’ words, 'Veronica Mars' S4 is a major disappointment.

We’ve all been dreaming about it and it's finally here. The exciting continuation of Rob Thomas’s 'Veronica Mars' on Hulu stars the fantastic Kristen Bell.

Shantel Murray is crowdsourcing 'Veronica Mars' fans' reactions for her documentary, 'Broken Fandom'. Be a part of the #BurntMarshmallows movement!