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Robin Tag


Teen Titans, let's go! Season 3 of 'Titans' returns on August 12th with a new Robin. Take a peek behind the mask and discover why he's still a

One of the most highly anticipated videogames is about Batman, but there's no Caped Crusader here. Swing into 'Gotham Knights' before it drops.

In over three decades, there hasn’t been a Teen Titans story as beloved as “The Judas Contract”. Here's why it deserves a retelling in the DCEU.

Once upon a time, there was a Robin that was so hated, DC held a poll to kill him off. Dive into the origin of the comic 'Batman:

Tim Drake is officially bisexual in the main continuity of DC Comics! Celebrate Robin's coming out with the fans of the comic on Twitter.

How well do you know 'Harley Quinn: The Animated Series' on HBO Max? See if you can whack our quiz out of the park with your hammer of

'Aquaman' has come and gone without too much fanfare. We’re going to take a look at the most ridiculous superheroes ever to grace the big screen.