HomePosts Tagged "SDCC"



San Diego Comic-Con will hold an in-person event over Thanksgiving weekend. Read on to learn why people think this is a bad idea.

‘Shadowhunters’ provided storylines involving LGBTQI characters. Why did the show get canceled?

When Freeform canceled the supernatural young adult show, 'Shadowhunters' fans took to more than Twitter to voice their upset and disdain.

We make the case that Hollywood heavyweight Kristen Stewart could bring some much needed complexity and gender fluidity to the role of DC's Batgirl.

We’re ludicrously impressed by the continued passion and efforts of the 'Shadowhunters' fandom, who are ardently refusing to give up.

Even with 'Timeless''s considerable following, NBC's cancellation left any chance of a third season dead in the water.

The San Diego Comic-Con is gone for another year, but we’re basking in its multi-genre glory. Our trip to the event as an SDCC cosplayer was memorable.

'Supergirl' is currently one of the most feminist shows on TV. Here’s everything we know about S5 of 'Supergirl', airing Sunday, October 6th on The CW.

It’s been a helluva week for pop culture news, as the San Diego Comic-Con a.k.a. the granddaddy of comic book conventions wraps up its sci-fi animation mecca for