HomePosts Tagged "Sebastian Stan"

Sebastian Stan Tag


After only being married for a single year, Pamela Anderson is divorcing her spouse Dan Hayhurst. Find out why the actress called it quits on the marriage.

Anthony Mackie officially cast to reprise his role as Captain America in 'Captain America 4'. Pop the champagne with Twitter.

These latest set photos from 'Pam & Tommy' prove that Lily James was perfect casting for a young Pamela Anderson. Have you checked out the latest photos?

Ready to believe in actual witchcraft? See the reactions to Lily James' jaw-dropping transformation into Pam Anderson for Hulu's 'Pam and Tommy'.

Now that 'Falcon and the Winter Solder' has closed, what's next for Sebastian Stan and the rest of the Marvel cast? Fly through Twitter's latest takes here.

Are you guys digging Marvel’s 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier'? Swoon over these must-watch Sebastian Stan movies.

Follow Sebastian Stan on Instagram? You will once you read this story. Put your glasses on and take a peek at the reactions to the actor's latest post!

Another 'Black Widow' trailer has just been released! Marvel Studios is bringing Natasha Romanoff back for one final fight. Check out the prequel!

Need more 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' in your life after episode 2? Time to soul gaze into these excellent memes.