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Nothing says comfort like the sweet words from our favorite Disney movies. Revisit the magic with these wise quotes from 'Winnie the Pooh' to 'Soul'.

Have you caught up with some of the best and newest Disney movies of the past decade? Test your Disney knowledge and take on this daring quiz.

When it comes to a family movie marathon, the selection of the right movie can get tricky. Watch these movies perfect for the whole family.

The cast of 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' is now sixteen years older than when the movie premiered. Wave away that nostalgia and find out what they've been up

The trailer for the highly anticipated 'Luca' is here, and it looks phenomenal. Find out why the new Pixar movie is heading straight to Disney Plus here.

Sony has announced the directing team for the much anticipated 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2'. What will 'Soul's' Kemp Powers bring to the table?

Have you watched all Pixar films, sequels included? Have you soaked up all the behind-the-scenes trivia? Test your knowledge with our Pixar quiz!

Pixar's 'Soul' is a sentimental film with universal themes of self-determination and following one's dreams. Why did people cringe?

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away, Disney Plus offered a wide range of movies, destined to blow your mind. Here's our must-watch list.