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Terry Gilliam Tag


Gambling can be tense. Here are the filmmakers who have incorporated gambling into their movies.

Now that 'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote' is out, we look at two other famous cases of great movies that went through development hell.

A lot of stars haven't gotten the MeToo memo. Here are the most insensitive MeToo comments made by people who should know better.

In tribute to the mescaline-fuelled classic, here’s a ranked list of the ten most trippin’ moments from 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'.

While 'Heroin(e)' offers a candid look into addiction, filmmakers have been producing films about of drugs, highs, and addiction for some time.

When it comes to the world of filmmaking, there’s only so much you can learn at college. Some iconic directors lit their paths towards success without it.

"Cat Person" wasn't the first time an article was the springboard for a hit movie. Here are ten of the best movies inspired by articles.

Thirty years ago legendary auteur Terry Gilliam didn’t know it, but the production of 'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote' was cursed.

Last month, a French court ruled in favor of Festival de Cannes, granting it permission to debut Terry Gilliam’s long-plagued 'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote' on its