HomePosts Tagged "The Godfather"

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What do you get when you combine a love of cinema with a passion for gambling? A chance to win big with these movie-based pokies!

From 'Annie Hall' to 'When Harry Met Sally", get ready for a big city binge of the most famous movies filmed in NYC!

Tired of flipping through streaming channels? Here are some film-related online activities that'll keep you busy and, most importantly, entertained!

If you ran out of movies to watch on HBO Max, try this list we've made for you. From modern releases to classics, HBO Max always has the

Do you know how many of your favorite films were based on novels? While everybody knows that some books have a movie adaptation, these might surprise you.

You've heard of movies based on videogames, but have you taken a close look at videogames based on movies? Check out the best games here!

Celebrating a century of movie quotes, here are some of the best phrases that have had a big impact on our lives. We’ve broken these down by decades.

Armie Hammer's role in 'The Offer' has officially been recast. Catch the latest news on who's taking over and what's in store for Hammer now.

Is all the chaos in the world making you go crazy? Don't worry, us too. Check out our list of disaster movies to remind you that things can