HomePosts Tagged "Tim Burton"

Tim Burton Tag


What other beloved characters might find new life under the guidance of these visionary directors? Enter Tim Burton's lost characters.

The divorce drama between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is far from being over, but was Depp really an abuser? Here's Winona Ryder's testimony.

Hang onto your golden tickets, because there's a new Willy Wonka in town! Travel back to the chocolate factory and meet the cast for the new film now!

A Nicholas Cage-led 'Superman' movie? How did this thing never take off from the ground? Learn the story here as to why the film never happened.

Many hail 'Teen Wolf' as the most beloved supernatural movie from the 1980s. Rip open our list of the best supernatural 80s movies rivaling the classic.

The truth is out there, folks. Beam up into the story and uncover our list of the greatest movies featuring green aliens making contact on Earth.

A new month is upon us, and new movies are headed to all the streamers. Blast open our list of the best thriller movies coming to Netflix in

Johnny Depp made his feature debut in 1984 with 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'. Slash open his career and check out the roles that made him a massive

It’s worth revisiting some of Disney’s questionable movies, such as 'The Jungle Book'. Here are seven uncomfortable times Disney was racist AF.