HomePosts Tagged "UFO" (Page 5)



With how crazy 2020 is, it’s no surprise there has been an uptick in UFO sightings around the globe. Was it the Goodyear Blimp or a UFO?

If aliens are real, they would have to incredibly smart to make it to Earth in their UFOs. Learn about what top scientists think about aliens.

On Sept. 14, drivers on New Jersey’s highway 21 held up traffic to catch a glimpse at a UFO in the sky. Could this be real?

An ex-Navy officer recently shared an anecdote about his first-hand encounter with a UFO. Could this signify a war? Let's find out.

Is a UFO picture from Devon, UK, proof that aliens are real? Check out two photographers' experiences with a UFO sighting on the same day.

Fueling our alien-obsessed minds is the latest UFO videos on the internet. Are there UFOs in South Carolina? Let's find out.

Did a UFO spaceship crash land in the ocean near Greenland? Alien-hunters are saying that a real UFO spaceship is frozen inside a glacier.

Is this UFO sighting in Yorkshire, UK proof that aliens are real? Discover how this odd cloud could be UFOs in disguise.

No one was expecting UFO news to dominate 2020 just as much as coronavirus has. Here's the latest news from the Pentagon.