HomePosts Tagged "YouTube drama"

YouTube drama Tag


After a considerable amount of backlash online, YouTube creator Lindsay Ellis has decided to call it quits. Find out what exactly happened for her to leave.

The Trisha Paytas and Ethan Klein beef continues. After Ethan points out the lack of evidence in her sexual assault claim, the Twitter star went private.

Tired of all the YouTube drama out there? So are we! Learn why we're cutting out all the YouTube drama in our life this year.

James Charles has been dogged by controversies and YouTube drama, but has it dropped his net worth? Follow the money behind the glam to see if it's true.

Jeffree Star has been under fire for all kinds of misdeeds this year. However, Twitter now has the actual receipts.

Jeffree Star has been the center of drama on multiple social media platforms, recently he addressed some Twitter scandals in a YouTube video.

Is Shane Dawson really back on YouTube? Discover how the problematic YouTube star could make a comeback after all the drama.

Danielle Cohn, a young YouTuber, has had her real age come into question after worries about whether she's in a safe environment.