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Best Gemstones for Wedding Rings

Choosing the perfect gemstone for your wedding ring can be quite a challenge given the variety of beautiful options available. Did you know that along with traditional diamonds, gemstones like sapphire, emerald, and ruby are touted as some of the best choices for engagement rings? This blog will guide you through these popular picks along with their unique attributes to help make your selection process smoother.

Let’s dive into this rainbow of gems to find one that symbolizes your love perfectly!

Key Takeaways

  • Popular gemstone choices for wedding rings include sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and moissanite.
  • These gemstones offer durability and resistance to everyday wear.
  • Factors to consider when choosing a gemstone include hardness on the Mohs scale, personal preference, ethical sourcing practices, and price.

The Best Gemstones for Engagement Rings

Alexandrite, sapphire, ruby, emerald, and moissanite are among the top choices for gemstones in engagement rings.


Alexandrite is a top pick for wedding rings. It is rare and special. This gem changes colors under different lights. During the day, it looks green. At night, it turns red. Alexandrite stands for good luck and love in many cultures.

Its hardness keeps it safe from scratches and breakage. But be ready to pay more for this gem because of its unique features and rarity.


Sapphires are a popular choice for engagement rings due to their stunning color and exceptional durability. These gemstones come in various shades of blue, but they can also be found in other colors like pink, yellow, and white.

Sapphires rank high on the Mohs hardness scale, making them resistant to scratches and ideal for everyday wear. They are known for their brilliance and ability to sparkle like a diamond.

Additionally, sapphires can hold special significance as they symbolize loyalty and trust, making them perfect for couples looking to celebrate their love with a unique and meaningful gemstone engagement ring.


Ruby is one of the best gemstones for wedding rings. It has a rich red color that symbolizes love and passion, making it perfect for expressing your commitment to your partner. Rubies are also known for their durability, ranking high on the Mohs hardness scale.

This means they can withstand everyday wear and tear without getting damaged easily. Additionally, rubies have a timeless beauty that makes them an excellent choice for a unique piece of jewelry that will be cherished for years to come.

So if you want a wedding ring that sparkles with elegance and represents your deep love, consider choosing ruby as the center stone.


Emeralds are another popular gemstone choice for wedding rings. Known for their rich green color, emeralds symbolize love and new beginnings, making them a perfect option for an engagement or wedding ring.

They have a Mohs hardness rating of 7.5 to 8, which means they are fairly durable and resistant to scratches. Emeralds also have a vibrant sparkle that can catch the eye and add elegance to any ring design.

With their unique beauty and symbolism, emeralds offer a distinct and meaningful choice for those looking for something different in their wedding jewelry.


Moissanite is a popular gemstone choice for wedding rings and engagement rings. It is known for its brilliance and fire, which means it sparkles just like a diamond. Moissanite also has a high level of durability, making it resistant to everyday wear.

One advantage of moissanite is that it tends to be more affordable than diamonds, allowing couples to get the look they want at a lower cost. So if you’re looking for a stunning and budget-friendly option for your wedding ring, consider choosing moissanite as your gemstone.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gemstone for a Wedding Ring

Consider factors such as the gemstone’s Mohs hardness scale rating, durability, personal preference, ethical and sustainable sourcing practices, and price and value when selecting a gemstone for your wedding ring.

Mohs hardness scale

The Mohs hardness scale is commonly used to measure the hardness of gemstones. It ranks minerals on a scale from 1 to 10, with higher numbers indicating greater hardness. This scale helps determine how well a gemstone can withstand scratches and daily wear.

For example, diamonds have a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale, making them highly durable and suitable for everyday use in wedding rings. Sapphires and rubies also score high on the Mohs scale, making them excellent choices for lasting and beautiful wedding ring gemstones.


Gemstone engagement rings are known for their durability and resistance to everyday wear. Sapphires, which are often chosen as center stones for wedding rings, are particularly durable due to their high level of hardness on the Mohs scale.

Rubies and emeralds also offer excellent durability, making them suitable options for long-lasting jewelry pieces. With proper care, gemstone engagement rings can withstand the test of time and continue to sparkle beautifully throughout a lifetime of love and commitment.

Personal preference

Gemstone engagement rings offer a wide range of options to suit personal preferences. With gemstones available in various colors, couples can choose a stone that reflects their unique style and taste.

Whether you prefer the classic elegance of sapphires or the fiery brilliance of rubies, there is a gemstone to match your personal preference. Some may opt for vibrant aquamarine or tanzanite engagement rings to showcase their individuality and love for unique pieces of jewelry.

Ultimately, choosing a gemstone for your wedding ring comes down to what speaks to you and represents your love story.

Ethical and sustainable sourcing

Gemstone engagement rings not only showcase stunning beauty but also offer the opportunity to make an ethical and sustainable choice. When it comes to sourcing gemstones for wedding rings, it’s important to consider their origin and ensure they are ethically mined.

Many gemstone suppliers adhere to responsible mining practices, ensuring fair treatment of workers and minimizing environmental impact. By choosing gemstones from these sources, couples can feel good knowing that their ring represents not just their love, but also their commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

From conflict-free diamonds to responsibly sourced sapphires or emeralds, there are plenty of options available for those who prioritize ethical and sustainable choices when selecting a gemstone for their wedding ring.

Price and value

Gemstones offer a range of options for different budgets, making them an attractive choice for engagement rings. While diamonds can be expensive, alternative gemstones like sapphires, topaz, and aquamarine are more affordable without compromising on beauty or durability.

Gemstones also offer unique colors and shades to showcase your individual style. When considering price and value, it’s important to remember that the rarity of a gemstone can affect its cost.

However, there are plenty of options available at various price points that can provide both quality and value for your wedding ring.


When it comes to wedding rings, the best gemstones are sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and even alternative options like aquamarine and opal. These gemstones not only offer beauty and durability but also allow couples to showcase their unique style and celebrate their love in a more personal way.

So if you’re looking for a breathtaking wedding ring that sparkles with elegance, consider these stunning gemstone options.


1. What are the top gemstones for wedding rings?

Diamonds, white sapphires, aquamarines, and morganite are among the popular engagement ring gemstones. Others include rubies, emeralds, moissanite, opals, amethysts and garnets.

2. Can colored gems be used in engagement rings?

Yes! Colored gemstone engagement rings can showcase your style and help celebrate your love on your big day.

3. What are some special choices for unique engagement rings?

Emerald wedding bands or ruby wedding rings provide a unique flair compared to traditional diamond alternatives like moissanite wedding rings or aquamarine engagement ring.

4. Are there any other blue-colored gems apart from sapphire that I can use in my ring?

Yes! You could consider an aquamarine or blue sandstone engagement ring as other options besides a classic sapphire wedding ring.

5.Topaz and amethyst are also great options for unique but beautiful gemstone wedding bands.

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