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Can the Way You Brush Your Teeth Lead to Gum Recession

Can the Way You Brush Your Teeth Lead to Gum Recession

Gum recession is not a condition that sounds good. Unfortunately, when this progresses, it can lead to discomfort and, eventually, losing teeth.  This is a consequence that nobody wants, and you have to act quickly if you believe you have gum recession or want to avoid it in the future.

The problem is that only a few people know how receding gums can start. It is not common knowledge which can contribute to progression. Many people want to know whether the way you brush your teeth can lead to this condition. Here is a guide that will get you acquainted with this topic.

Brushing Your Teeth Matters

Brushing your teeth twice a day is essential for oral health. You also want to be flossing between the teeth and using mouthwash. Together, they are going to help you protect the enamel, removing any debris in the mouth that can break it down. What’s more, you are going to be preventing plaque and tartar build-up.

First, know that if you are not brushing your teeth regularly, this can lead to receding gums in addition to other problems. Know that the gums cannot grow back, which means the damage can be permanent. At this point, your own option is to seek treatment. For example, Dr John C Chao offers an effective receding gums treatment in London. This is called the pinhole gum graft technique, which can move the gum back over the exposed teeth, minimising the symptoms of recession.

In addition, you should know that how you brush your teeth also matters. Here are some things you should look out for.

Brushing too Hard

You have to be careful with the technique used to brush your teeth. Some people are guilty of scrubbing them and moving too hard across the gums. This can mean that you are damaging the gums, and they are receding. As a result, you can expose the roots. Eventually, you can experience discomfort with certain food and drinks. You can even increase the risk of tooth decay.


Something that people do not realise is that you get develop gum recession from overbrushing your teeth. This can mean that you are brushing them too often, which is damaging the gum. You may feel like you have been taking care of your teeth by brushing them several times a day. Perhaps this is after acidic meals. But, this constant motion can take its toll on the gums, leading to recession.

Using a Hard Toothbrush

Having the right tools is also important when it comes to taking care of your teeth. In particular, you want to have a soft brush. This is going to mean that when you go over the gumlines, you are not going to cause as much damage. The problem is that many people have a hard toothbrush, which is more pressure than is necessary on the gum line. When this is combined with an electric design, the damage can be a lot.

Not Changing Your Brush Often

Have you ever thought about the bristles on your toothbrush? When you have been using them for a while, they will start to get damaged. They can spread out to one side and they will not be as good as they used to be. This is something that can lead to hurting the gums and encouraging them to recede. Thus, you need to make sure that you are updating your brush often. Namely, get a new one when the bristles start to fray and stick out to the sides. Alternatively, they might change colour.

Other Reasons for Gum Recession

It is crucial to understand that a variety of factors can cause gum recession. It is not always the way you brush your teeth or how often this is done. Here are some other reasons.


In some cases, genetics can be a cause of gum recession. Thus, even if you have good oral habits, you can be more susceptible to this condition. Therefore, if you have had people in your family suffer from receding gums, know that this could be something you need to watch out for in the future. You should always attend dental appointments and keep an eye on the gum line. This way, if you notice any difference, you can seek treatment immediately. This lowers the risk of losing teeth.

Hormonal Changes

Another factor that can be out of your control is hormonal changes. During times in your life when you are experiencing hormonal adjustments, this can make your gums sensitive. For instance, this could be through pregnancy when your hormones are changing. Alternatively, it can happen in puberty and progress. For women, menopause can be a difficult time and made worse by receding gums.

Bite Misalignment

Do you have an under or overbite that you have never corrected? Not only can this lead to discomfort and pain, but it can also have an effect on your gums. There is going to be more force than normal when the teeth come together. As a result, it can put pressure on the gums. Consequently, they can recede in respond to this constant trauma. Even if you have misaligned teeth, it can have the same effect. If you are guilty of grinding your teeth in your sleep, this is another element that can contribute to recession.


It is common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health. But, it can affect you in ways you do not realise.  For example, it can disrupt the natural healing process. So, if you have damaged your gums in some way, they might not heal properly or take longer than normal. This can encourage recession. What’s more, when you smoke, your body cannot fight off infections well. Thus, this can have an overall effect on your oral health.


Do you have diabetes? This is a health condition that affects you in many ways. In particular, your gums can weaken over time. This can make them more vulnerable to recession. Specifically, there is more risk of this happening when the diabetes is uncontrolled. Thus, if you are not aware you are diabetic, this can make matters worse.

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