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Constipation is the very uncomfortable phase during PMS when you get severe pain. How can you prevent or get rid of constipation?

Get Rid of Constipation during PMS – A Root of Many Other Diseases

Several bowel movement changes, mainly constipation, are very common during or before the menstrual cycle. The reason behind these kinds of alterations is the changing level of hormones in your body during periods. 

Constipation is the very uncomfortable phase during this time when you get severe pain and even blood drops in the stool. Don’t worry, Ladies! This is very common and easy to get rid of it.

Just read this article till the end and get to know the methods to get relief from constipation during periods by using products for PMS relief!

Why Does Constipation Happen During Periods?

There are many symptoms of menstruation, and the experts are not completely sure about the reason for constipation, but mainly it occurs due to the changing of hormonal levels, including estrogen and progesterone as major factors.

  • Changes in Hormonal Level

Progesterone level increases at the start of periods which may decrease the efficiency of the digestive system and causes constipation.

  • Underlying Conditions

Various health conditions are also there that cause constipation during your periods, like endometriosis and IBS. The intense pain during the periods can also be the reason for constipation.

How to Manage This Uncomfortable Condition?

Constipation is a very uneasy situation, mainly when you are suffering from the menstrual phase. But it is not permanent. There are certain ways to manage it well!

  • Drink More Water

You will get constipation in the periods if you are not addicted to drinking enough water. It is not mandatory to drink simple water if you don’t want it in this unpleasant time. 

Many other water sources can be taken, including beverages, juicy fruits, and soups. You can drink warm lemon water to get rid of constipation which is considered the best home remedy as well. 

Carbonated drinks are also good for avoiding constipation if you don’t want to take plain water. 

You can use “Holief gummies watermelon” to maintain your mouth taste and gums as well.

  • Eat More Fibers

The size of stool increases with the intake of fiber that is easy to digest also. Some foods considered constipation-fighter include lentils, beans, apples, leafy greens, and whole grains. 

No need to make these things unwanted and less tasty because your taste buds become very sensitive during periods, and you want very selective things to eat. 

If this is your problem too, go for “Holief-mood oral drops”.

  • Do Specific Exercises

The intestine and items in it remain in movement through your physical activities that enhance your digestive rate and avoid constipation. 

It is too hard to manage exercise during this intense period when you are suffering from severe cramps and pain, but a 20-minute walk is mandatory. 

You can get relief from this cramping by using “Holief pain relief cream with menthol” and “Cramp roll-on”.

  • Use Mild Laxative

You can buy stool softeners and pain relievers or mild laxatives during periods.

  • Avoid to Hold Stool

Go to the washroom whenever you feel an urge instead of waiting for the bowel movement. Avoid holding on to the stool for long periods, and if you feel much pain, “Holi-cramp menstrual relief cream” is the best option for you.


Periods are very painful and constipation during this time is an additional panic condition. So, you can go for products for PMS relief to make it an easier time!

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