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Best Things to See in Vietnam

Best Things to See in Vietnam

A good holiday is the perfect refuge from a life of monotonous routine. If prepared properly, and executed in a decent manner, a single flight you take from one corner of the world to the other might be the deciding factor that has the potential to transform your life forever. Indeed, a holiday is one of the finest ways one can take a break, and completely recalibrate everything that is happening in one’s life; it is like a ‘restart’ button which you can utilise to re-center your life and begin afresh.

There is a list of great places to visit for a holiday, and Vietnam offers the best prospects in this regard. From Da Nang to Halong Bay, the country is filled with places that pack a punch of excitement, all the while giving you unforgettable lessons from a beautiful culture and a  unique social setting. There are numerous places to visit while in Vietnam which may be overwhelming and confusing for some. For your ease, we have listed the top two places that you must not miss out on when in Vietnam.

Da Nang

Being the fourth-largest city in the country, Da Nang is packed to the core with a punch of just about everything that is important for a traveller. One of these things are the coastlines delicately lining the city, with its stunning beaches and sparkling water. 

Da Nang also offers you a chance to experience the very best that Vietnamese cuisine has to offer travellers, all the while, providing you with impeccable sceneries and places. One thing that also sets Da Nang apart from other cities in Vietnam is the availability of cheap and efficient hotels, or, if you happen to get lucky, perhaps an inexpensive villa.

Halong Bay

One of the most colourful and diverse places in the entire country, Halong Bay will provide you with a complete blast of excitement the second you step foot in the place. With a total of around 1,600 limestone towers rising from its beautiful waters, this place will make you yearn to return to it again as soon as you leave for home.

Being listed in every itinerary of travellers in Vietnam, the bay is filled with colourful boats and jaw-dropping scenery that has one scratching their heads in disbelief. Not to forget, you can access the most delicious seafood in the world in Halong Bay.

There you have it, a concise and complete tour guide, listing two of the most beautiful places in Vietnam that have to offer the most, so make good use of it!

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