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Winter Pizza Oven Recipes (That Aren’t Just Pizza!)

Bring your loved ones together for a barbeque party like no other this weekend. Cooking with family is a fun activity, especially outdoors. Suppose you have a wood-fired pizza oven; even better. Fire it up and cook a feast. It just doesn’t have to be Pizza.

Read on to discover pizza oven recipes that aren’t just Pizza to make on your wood-fired pizza oven.

Uses of wood-fired pizza ovens

Your outdoor kitchen is not complete until you add a pizza oven. Not only does it heat your backyard, but you will make mouth-watering pizzas on a chilly day. But did you know that you can cook other meals in it?

Wood fired pizza ovens have multiple uses in your home. Similar to your conventional indoor oven, they retain heat with an added flavour advantage. Besides slow-cooking your favourite Pizza, you can bake, roast, and even sear various foods.

Pizza alternatives to cook in a wood-fired pizza oven

Now that we know wood fired pizza ovens are not just for making pizzas, let’s look at what else they cook.

The simple truth is anything you can grill or cook in an indoor kitchen oven is possible outside. An added advantage is the firewood improves the taste of your meals due to the wood smoke. 

Once you appreciate the smoky seasoning, you will want all your meals cooked in the wood fired pizza oven.

If your oven is hot enough, here are some foods besides Pizza to cook daily.

  • Smoked sausages. Leave them for 2 to 3 hours, and your loved ones will drool over the rich smoky taste.
  • Bake pastries such as pies and scones. The flaky crust and fresh taste from baking your pasties in a wood-fired pizza oven differ from your standard oven’s. 
  • Pan-seared seafood. Use the intense yet even heat from the wood fired pizza oven to sear seafood in a pan to produce a tender texture.
  • Roasted salads. Add a barbecue twist to your tossed vegetable salad by roasting it in the wood-fired pizza oven for a few minutes.
  • Grilled meats. Choose your meat and grill it on the open flame for a unique flavour and burn.
  • Slow-cooked stews. Nothing tastes better than slow-cooked beef stew around the fire on a cold winter evening. 

You can cook plenty more in a wood-fired pizza oven and only need to explore your imagination. Take time to create new recipes with the help of family and friends and discover the limits of your outdoor pizza oven.

Top 3 Pizza oven recipes that are not Pizza

Try one of the below top 3 pizza oven recipes that are not Pizza using your wood fired pizza oven. The carrot cake dessert recipe melts in your mouth, and you can taste the unique smoky flavour of the firewood.


  1. Carrot cake Dessert 

Heat your wood fired oven, then lower the temperature to 180°C or let the fire drop after preparing a meal. Combine your carrot cake ingredients in a bowl, adding nuts and carrots last.

Scoop the mixture into a pan and bake for an hour. Serve once it cools down plain, or make a custard topping.


  1. Pan-Seared Shrimp

Turn up the heat to the maximum in your wood fired pizza oven for this recipe. Season your shrimp and place it on a cast iron pan. Toss it around in the heat, using butter for an intense flavour and a splash of fresh lemon juice. Remove from the fire and serve alone or with rice as a side.


  1. Chilli and Lemon Corn 

Kickstart a barbecue party with this simple yet tasty corn recipe on your wood fired pizza oven. You can use any temperature if you keep an eye on the corn. Season the corn with butter, chilli flakes, salt, and lemon juice. Wrap it in foil and cook in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and toss the corn in a pan until brown. Serve as starters.


Make the most of your wood fired pizza oven by trying out different recipes every chance you get. Your outdoor kitchen will never be the same.


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