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Elements to Consider When Purchasing Shade Nets

Shed nets are a particular type of material used to reduce the intensity of sunlight. Shade netting can be used for agricultural purposes in green hoses and to provide a cool environment for people to sit in. There are various types of shade nets currently available in Kenya. Choosing the appropriate one for your use can take time and effort.

This article will discuss relevant factors to consider before acquiring one. Keep on reading!

Due to advancements in technology, and industrialization, the manufacturers have uniquely designed shade nets to regulate the amount of sunlight that passes through. Therefore, the type of shade net you buy will be customized specifically to your needs.

Apart from assessing shade nets prices Kenya, there are three other elements to consider before purchasing. They include as follows;

  • The intensity of Sunlight Required

You need to choose the nets depending on the type of plant being grown or the amount of shade you require. For instance, some plants, mainly fruits, may require more significant amounts of sunlight than others.

The shade cloth is usually woven or knitted in different densities. These densities are called the “shade percentage,” ranging from 5% to 95%. The percentages allow different amounts of sunlight to penetrate, so the percentage of shade cloth you choose blocks that percentage of sun.

Since you may still want to cover your crops from the scorching sun, understanding how much sunlight you want to reduce is necessary. This knowledge applies to shade areas as well.

  • Quality of the Shade Net Material Used

Shade nets comprise high-density polyethylene, wrap-knitted, and water-permeable materials. Considering the quality of shade net is paramount. Given the cost implication, you would want to settle for a good and durable quality.

In that case, check for double stitching technology, toughness, and the material’s resilience. You must also ensure that the sun’s rays do not damage the net itself; choose the one with Ultra Violet (UV) light protection.

  • Color of The Shade Net

Shade nets come in different colors, and color choice is a matter of personal preference. The most common colors in the market are black and green. Often, the color shade net determines the quantity and the quality of light that passes through it.

Even so, it is belied that choosing a lighter shade net can resolve ventilation issues since much of the heat from the sun will be reflected. Thus, plants’ growth is more rapid than when a dark color is used because they absorb a lot of heat, depriving the plants of much sunlight.


Using shade nets can be a game changer, especially for agricultural purposes. Knowing the suitable material, the sunlight required, and picking the right color involves patience. It may take a while for you to understand all these elements. For this reason, it will be prudent to get an expert’s assistance before purchasing one, as well as get exposed to the best shade net prices. Also, conducting research is advisable.

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