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8 Best Types of Indoor Light to Brighten Your Home

The way the inside of your home is lit up makes a huge difference, especially when it comes to influencing your mood and your overall well-being. Not many people realize this but a well-lit indoor can significantly improve or degrade our day.

Buying good-quality cheap pendant lights, for example, is a great addition. They are classy, minimalistic, and, at the same time, very bright. While this accounts for just one example, there are a few others that you can look through.

This article will explore some of the best types of indoor lights that you can consider purchasing for your home.

  • Recessed fixtures

If you are one of those people that don’t enjoy hanging light fixtures in your home, recessed fixtures are a great alternative. For those who aren’t aware, these are light fixtures that are contained on the ceiling or the walls entirely.

They are great for low-rise ceiling houses and apartments where you can’t have a chandelier or a light fixture dangling off of the ceiling.

  • Pendants

We discussed this briefly in the introduction and we have to mention it again. Pendant lights are seamless, modern, and artistic. They are available in different colors, designs, and variants, which make them, blend in well with the décor and aesthetic of your home as well.

Also, they are pretty swanky and a lot easier when it comes to installation. If you aren’t the best with tools, we’d recommend skipping track lights and instead going for pendants.

  • Ceiling Lighting

When it comes to a permanent light fixture that will be your ride or die, ceiling lighting fixtures are undoubtedly the best thing you will come across. It doesn’t matter which variant you pick because there are just so many to choose from. You have the staple chandeliers and pendants, which mount well to the wall.

What’s great about ceiling lighting is its versatility. They are great for illuminating the indoors and they are equally great for sprucing up the space and eventually your mood as well.

  • Task lighting

Sometimes, even when you have the best ceiling lighting illuminating the entire room, all you want is something a bit more focused. In those situations, task lighting is pretty much a better alternative. Task lamps are gaining popularity recently and for the right reasons. You can fix them in your office space, around the reading nook, etc.

The brightness, placement, and warmth of these lights are soothing and not too overbearing, making them perfect for the days when you don’t want to overdo things around you.

  • LED lighting

It doesn’t matter which year we are in; LED lighting is never going out of style and that is a plain, hard-written fact. This is hands down the most energy-efficient option and they are perfect for bathing your rooms in a soft and comfortable hue that’s perfect for a soothing night.

You have the LED lights with constant and static lighting and then you have variants that are color-changing. The latter are typically remote-controlled, which makes it even more convenient. If you are wondering how to choose lights for your home, these are a good place to start.

  • Laser lighting

With a lot similar vibe to LED lighting, laser lighting is another popular type of indoor lighting that you can consider for your home. Also, since lasers travel along a narrow beam, they have a good diffraction index, meaning that not one point but a larger part of your room is illuminated at once.

You can find permanent laser lighting fixtures or you can also consider buying laser projectors if you want something fun and quirky for your room.

  • Track lighting

While you can get persuaded with the latest lighting fixtures, you can’t miss out on the OG light setup. Track lighting is hands down one of the best options in the lot. If you aren’t aware, track lighting is the type that protrudes from your ceiling directly, giving the space a pretty uplifting look.

They are a little difficult to install and require you to have a good understanding of tools but besides that, they are quite easy to work through.

  • Wall sconces

Last on the list is one of the most underrated lighting fixtures – wall sconces. They do mimic and add a medieval vibe to the indoors but they are great for hallways, play rooms, etc. If you don’t want too much lighting but enough to illuminate the indoors, these are the best.

Most of these are plug-in options, which are comparably a lot better to install and handle in the long run.


Finding the right light fixture for your home can make a huge difference. If you are setting things up in your house for the first time or renovating it, these are some of the options we’d recommend checking out. Sometimes, it’s ideal to mix and match and have multiple lighting choices depending on the aesthetic of the room.


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