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Sigmond Galloway: The Jazz Musician Whose Life Intertwined with Gospel Legend Mahalia Jackson

The intriguing story of Sigmond Galloway and his connection with renowned gospel singer Mahalia Jackson unfolds as a tale of love, music, and separation. Galloway’s life journey, marked by his passion for jazz music and his marriage to Jackson, is a testament to the complexities of relationships and the power of music to bring people together.


Early Life and Marriage


Birth and Roots

Sigmond Galloway was born on May 18, 1922, in Alabama, United States, to African-American parents. His father, Randolph Galloway, played a significant role in his life, while details about his mother and siblings remain elusive.


Music and Love Unite

In 1965, Sigmond Galloway married the legendary gospel singer Mahalia Jackson, forming an unexpected bond between their worlds of jazz and gospel music.


Mahalia Jackson: A Musical and Social Icon


The Gospel Icon

Mahalia Jackson, born on October 26, 1911, in New Orleans, Louisiana, emerged as a gospel powerhouse who used her heavenly voice to promote racial harmony and social change.


Rise to Fame

Jackson’s remarkable career included hits like “Move On Up a Little Higher,” which sold over two million copies and introduced her to global fame in 1947. Her contributions extended beyond music, as she participated in the civil rights movement through her songs.


A Love Story That Unraveled


Meeting of Souls

Galloway’s and Jackson’s paths crossed in Gary, Indiana. Their shared love for music brought them closer, culminating in an unexpected wedding in 1965.


Challenges and Separation

Mahalia Jackson’s health struggles, coupled with Galloway’s limited presence, strained their relationship. The couple faced challenges that ultimately led to their divorce in 1967.


Life After Divorce


Private Life

Following his divorce from Jackson, Sigmond Galloway chose to lead a private life. There is no evidence of him entering new relationships. He remained single until his untimely passing in 1972 at the age of 50.


Shared Loss

Interestingly, both Galloway and Jackson remained single until their respective deaths. Jackson passed away in January 1972, a few months before Galloway’s own demise.


Legacy and Net Worth


Musical Impact

While Sigmond Galloway’s musical contributions may have been overshadowed by his connection to Mahalia Jackson, his involvement in the world of jazz left a mark on their shared journey.


Financial Aspects

Sigmond Galloway’s estimated net worth at the time of his death was around $100,000. In contrast, Mahalia Jackson possessed a higher net worth of approximately $1 million, reflecting her successful career and valuable assets.




The story of Sigmond Galloway’s life and his marriage to Mahalia Jackson paints a portrait of two individuals united by music and love. Their union, though short-lived, highlights the complexities of relationships and the challenges that life can present. As a jazz musician and the former husband of a gospel icon, Galloway’s legacy is intertwined with the harmonious melodies of their shared journey.

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