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Virtual Peer-to-Peer Recognition Ideas

Appreciation is an easy thing to do. But it’s often undervalued and not used enough. But some people, like you, can see how a simple act of kindness or praise can boost staff happiness. 

Even more important is the need to be recognized in virtual workplaces. So, the answer to why you need some great ideas for recognizing employees virtually is that you do.

Before 2020, people didn’t trust open work choices like working from home, working from afar, or telecommuting. After 2020, it will be a law that companies have to give their workers this kind of freedom.

But a remote worker is very different from a normal worker. These people don’t get to talk to others daily, an important part of work life. Remote workers miss important times that make employee participation possible, like when their peers recognize them or their boss thanks them. They also don’t experience the company culture or connect with other employees.

But even workers working from home need to feel important to the company’s growth and success. Letting these workers know they’ve done a great job is the best thing you can do to make them happier and more productive.

In this article, we’ll look at some fun and useful peer to peer recognition ideas to show appreciation for a virtual job. Many are also cheap, making them easy for even small businesses to use. So, take it easy and keep reading.

Virtual Peer-to-Peer Recognition Ideas

1. It’s not enough to say “thanks” online

It might seem like a natural thing to do. People sometimes forget to say it because it’s so obvious.

A simple “thank you” can brighten the day of anyone. Small acts of kindness have a big impact, especially when they are done for a stressed-out, anxious, and tired remote worker.

People who work for remote companies often feel alone and ignored, and for them, work-life balance is a myth. When this happens, it helps us feel driven, appreciated, and involved when leaders and team members appreciate the work we do every day, even if we have personal problems.

2. A shout-out on social media

I remember reading something that stuck with me. It goes something like this,

Any good boss will know that the above words are true. People who work hard to reach a goal should be praised, and their successes should be told to as many people as possible.

Social media sites are the best way to show your remote workers how much you appreciate their work. It is easy, doesn’t cost much, and will likely reach more people.

Public praise is a powerful incentive, especially from one’s peers. Since most remote workers don’t have the peer connections and peer-to-peer respect they need, recognizing employees in public is even more important.

4. Celebrate online birthdays and work anniversaries

Even though the business world has gone virtual, that is not a good enough reason to stop celebrating the special days of your online workers. Celebrating important days like work anniversaries and birthdays is a big part of your company’s culture.

By taking a few easy steps to make your workers feel honored and appreciated, you can make their virtual work anniversaries and birthdays an event they will never forget. Here are the ideas we like best:

Recognize and reward workers with great virtual perks like electronic gift cards, prize points, etc.

Throw a virtual party to celebrate the day and get all the workers’ team members together to give a heartfelt message. Send a cake, some treats, or a snack basket to the home address of each employee.

5. Appreciation in Person

One of the worst things about living in the faraway world is that people have less and less contact with each other. Face-to-face exchanges are a big part of ensuring that praise to a team member or employee for a job well done is genuine.

We are lucky that the online world is full of tools that help us spot people quickly and often. It ensures that apps like Zoom, Skype, etc., can be used to give praise immediately. Taking a few minutes out of your day to show someone who worked hard to meet important goals that you value them is a great way to show how valuable they are to the company.


Not only does showing appreciation for your online workers boost mood, but it also helps the business. Employee awards can lead to a high retention rate, a lively business culture, and good working relationships. 

Whether your team has always worked remotely or moved quickly to this new way of working in the past couple of years, you can use these ideas to show your virtual employees how much you appreciate what they’ve done during these very stressful times. 


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