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What is an Orbeez Gun? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you curious about what an Orbeez gun is and how it works? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to Orbeez guns, including what they are, how they work, and the various types available on the market.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: What is an Orbeez Gun?
  • History of Orbeez Guns
  • How do Orbeez Guns Work?
  • Different Types of Orbeez Guns
    • Handheld Orbeez Guns
    • Electric Orbeez Guns
    • Automatic Orbeez Guns
  • The Benefits of Using an Orbeez Gun
  • Safety Precautions to Keep in Mind
  • How to Clean and Maintain Your Orbeez Gun
  • Where to Buy Orbeez Guns
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

Introduction: What is an Orbeez Gun?

An Orbeez gun is a toy gun that shoots small, colorful gel balls called Orbeez. Orbeez are tiny polymer balls that absorb water and expand to up to 100 times their original size. Orbeez guns come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small handheld guns to larger electric and automatic guns.

History of Orbeez Guns

Orbeez guns were first introduced in 2010 by a company called Maya Group. The guns quickly became popular among kids and adults alike due to their unique shooting mechanism and colorful ammunition.

How do Orbeez Guns Work?

Orbeez guns work by shooting Orbeez at high speeds using air pressure. The guns have a small compartment where the Orbeez are loaded, and when the trigger is pulled, air pressure forces the Orbeez out of the gun’s barrel. The Orbeez then travel through the air and eventually land on a target.

Different Types of Orbeez Guns

There are several types of Orbeez guns available on the market, including handheld guns, electric guns, and automatic guns.

Handheld Orbeez Guns

Handheld Orbeez guns are the most basic type of Orbeez gun available. They are small and lightweight, making them easy to carry around and use. Handheld Orbeez guns usually hold around 20 Orbeez and have a range of up to 15 feet.

Electric Orbeez Guns

Electric Orbeez guns are larger and more powerful than handheld guns. They are battery-operated and can hold up to 200 Orbeez at a time. Electric guns have a longer range than handheld guns, typically around 30 feet.

Automatic Orbeez Guns

Automatic Orbeez guns are the most advanced type of Orbeez gun available. They are battery-operated and can hold up to 500 Orbeez at a time. Automatic guns can shoot Orbeez in rapid succession and have a range of up to 50 feet.

The Benefits of Using an Orbeez Gun

Using an Orbeez gun can provide hours of fun and entertainment for both kids and adults. Orbeez guns are also a great way to improve hand-eye coordination and accuracy. Additionally, playing with Orbeez guns can help relieve stress and promote relaxation.

Safety Precautions to Keep in Mind

While Orbeez guns are generally safe to use, it is important to keep a few safety precautions in mind. Always wear eye protection when using an Orbeez gun to prevent injury to the eyes. Never shoot Orbeez at people or animals, as they can cause injury if they hit sensitive areas like the eyes or mouth. Finally, make sure to store Orbeez guns in a safe and secure place out of reach of young children and pets.


How to Clean and Maintain Your Orbeez Gun

Cleaning and maintaining your Orbeez gun is important to ensure its longevity and safe use. After each use, remove any remaining Orbeez from the gun and wash it with warm water and soap. Allow the gun to dry completely before storing it.

Where to Buy Orbeez Guns

Orbeez guns are available for purchase at many toy stores and online retailers, including Amazon and Walmart or Prices for Orbeez guns vary depending on the type and brand.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Orbeez guns safe for kids to use?

Can Orbeez be reused?

  • Yes, Orbeez can be reused by allowing them to dry out and then adding water to them again.

How long do Orbeez take to expand?

  • Orbeez usually takes around 3-4 hours to fully expand.

Can Orbeez guns be used outdoors?

  • Yes, Orbeez guns can be used outdoors, but it is important to be mindful of where the Orbeez are being shot and to not shoot them at people or animals.

Are Orbeez biodegradable?

  • No, Orbeez are not biodegradable and should be disposed of properly in the trash.


Orbeez guns are a fun and unique way to enjoy playtime for both kids and adults. With different types available, there is an Orbeez gun suitable for everyone’s preferences.

Remember to always use Orbeez guns safely and follow the recommended cleaning and maintenance guidelines.

Happy shooting!

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