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What Termite Larvae In Your Coppell Home Mean?

The humid climate of Coppell, Texas is conducive to most insects specially termites, because as we all know termites thrive in these conditions. Termites are a kind of pests that mostly feed on wood. They are known to eat wood because they get their cellulose there. There are two types of termites – workers and swarmers -that are different based on color. Workers are creamy in color, while swarmers are dark and brown. These social pests can be found in ground mounds, trees, poles, and soil. If left untreated, it definitely can lead to costly damages to your home or business. So, if you have recently spotted termite signs in your Coppell home, you must take the necessary steps. One of them is calling a professional pest control in Coppell, Texas, to assess the problem because termites are one of the hardest to get rid of alone. 

One of these signs you should look out for is termite larvae. But what are these, and what do they mean for your home? Just like any bed bugs, lice, and other pests, termites undergo a life cycle. Today, we will discuss one of their life cycles – termite larvae.

What are termite larvae?

When termite eggs hatch after 26-30 days, they become termite larvae. Then, they undergo molting or shedding several times to mature. But how can we say it is indeed termite larvae when it is often confused with maggots? For starters, let us first know what termite larvae look like. Termite larvae are small and look like a smaller version of adult termite workers. Both maggots and termite larvae have soft bodies, but if you look closely, they differ greatly. For example, termite larvae have distinctive and noticeable heads with antennae, while maggots’ heads are very hard to see because they are small and hidden in their thorax. Moreover, termite larvae have six tiny legs, while maggots have none. 

Why do I have termite larvae in my house?

Now that you know what termite larvae look like and identify that you have those in your Coppell house, you may wonder what it means. Having termite larvae in your house means you have a termite colony and are already experiencing a termite infestation. Before you can even see termites with your eyes, termite larvae can indicate that you already have termites in your house. Remember that termite larvae are formed after the termite eggs hatch. Obviously, termite eggs came from termites, and they decided to lay their eggs on your property. 

Removing and preventing termite larvae

If you have termite larvae, do not panic, as you can easily remove and prevent them with a few easy tips. 

Vinegar: Vinegar contains an acidic substance that can kill termites and termite larvae. Simply combine vinegar, water, and lemon in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture in the area you suspect that termites hide.

Lemon and orange oil: Another substance that can kill termites are lemons and orange oil. These oils are extracted from the lemon and orange peel. Once extracted, put it in a spray bottle and use the mixture in the area where you think you might have a termite infestation. 

Washing Detergent: Washing detergent or powder is commonly found in all households. Dissolve this powder with water and spray it where the termites infest your home. 

Sunlight: Heat is another natural enemy of termites. They cannot survive once they are exposed to prolonged heat. Therefore, if you think that your household items are infested with termites, put them in direct sunlight for some time to kill their termites. 

Pest control: This is by far the best choice and solution for removing and preventing termites and termite larvae. They can easily get to the bottom of your problem and apply the best method to eliminate them. Additionally, they can give you advice on how to prevent having termites again in the future. So call the best pest control company to help you with your infestation problem.

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