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What to Look Out for During Your Child’s CCA Orientation Day

Prepping for your child’s co-curricular activity orientation is better because you will know what to look out for so that everything would go smoothly during the orientation session. It is your child’s first time participating in an extracurricular activity, you want to make sure that you are prepared for it. CCA is a great way for them to meet new friends and develop their social skills. There are a lot of things to consider when preparing for co-curricular activities orientation.

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Pick an activity that your child will enjoy.

The most important thing to do when picking an activity is to consider your child’s interests. If you don’t know what those are, it’s time to start paying attention before the final decision for the activity is made.

Determine the time commitment.

When you’re thinking of activities for your child, one consideration is how much time will it require. Activities that only need to be done once or twice a month are great, but those with a weekly schedule can put more of a strain. Make sure you take into account the time commitment of the activity before signing up your child to participate, so they don’t end up stuck in a situation where they’re overwhelmed by their obligations and too busy to enjoy themselves.

Make sure the after-school activity is age-appropriate.

A lot of people are enthusiastic about getting their kids involved in activities outside of school, but it’s important to make sure the after-school co-curricular activity is age-appropriate. If your child is preparing to join a rec soccer team, you’ll want to make sure they’re old enough. In general, children under 10 years old should not be participating in organized sports, or at least without close supervision.

Evaluate program fees and policies.

The most important question you need to ask yourself before enrolling your child is whether the program fees and policies are right for your family. It’s understandable that we want our children to try new things and be active and enjoy—but it’s also important to consider what you can afford and if the program is worth paying for.

Plan for transportation to and from the activity.

Do not forget to plan for transportation to and from the activity. Before you sign up, inquire if the school will provide transportation.

Not all co-curricular activities and programs are equal, so read the fine print. Ideally, you’ll want to go for those that are academically oriented with a structured learning program, such as math or vocabulary. And even within these, you’ll have to factor in the duration of the class: longer is not necessarily better, especially since your child will also have to study upon returning home. If things don’t seem quite right, then it’s worth delaying sign-up until you’re completely satisfied. After all, exposing youngsters to an education system that hinges on academic achievement early on in life is definitely a plus point. 

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