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What are the Various Scholarships Available at the American University of Antigua (AUA)?

When it comes to pursuing higher education, the financial aspect is one of the key concerns for students. The cost of tuition, accommodation, and living expenses makes it difficult for students to enroll in their desirable career course. This is where the scholarship opportunities act as savior for students. Many universities understand such difficulties of students and facilitate multiple scholarships, awards and rewards options. The American University of Antigua is one such university that provides multiple scholarships to students in achieving their educational goals.

Let’s bring up various scholarships available at AUA that help make medical education more accessible and affordable.

Things to Know Before Applying for Scholarships at American University of Antigua

Before applying for a scholarship, it is essential that you gain insights to find a suitable one for you. Have a look here:

  • If you are applying for a scholarship, you must have an acceptance from AUA and all supporting documents ready for a scholarship or grant.
  • If you are qualified for more than one scholarship, you get an award of the highest value.
  • Your scholarship application must be submitted before enrolling at AUA.

Scholarships Available for Medical Students

For aspiring candidates in the healthcare industry, here are the scholarships that you can benefit from:

1.   Dean’s Scholarship

Dean’s scholarship is a scholarship available at American University of Antigua. It is a merit-based scholarship that acknowledges your achievements and academic accomplishments. The Dean’s Scholarship can help you bear a part of the tuition fees and you can renew it based on your academic performance.

You become eligible for this scholarship if you get a MCAT score of 505 and above (28 and above on scores before 2015). Moreover, you must have an undergraduate degree.

2.   Provost Scholarship

AUA recognizes that earning a competitive MCAT score while maintaining a high GPA is incredible. Under this scholarship, the aspiring students may get a reward amount of $100,000 and $10,000 per payment period (1-4) with intersession and $12,500 per payment period (5-8).

If you get a MCAT score of 505 and more (28 and above on scores before 2015), then you may get eligible for this scholarship. When students hold an undergraduate degree (equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree), they get a reward automatically if qualified.

3.   Physician Diversification Initiative Scholarship

The professionals of American University of Antigua believe that you need a physician who has expertise in diverse fields. To allow students with this scholarship, AUA offers a limited number of Physician Diversification Initiative Scholarships to qualified applicants.

To the qualified students, the university offers a reward amount of $50,000, awarded $5,000 per payment period (1-4) plus intersession and $6,250 per payment period (5-8).

For students to be eligible for this scholarship, they have to be a US citizen or permanent resident, applicants must have a completed degree with an essay within a word limit of 500, a list of certificates and awards, passport copy, recommendation letter, and other documents.

4.   High Achievers Scholarship

If students earn and maintain a high GPA score, AUA recognizes it as a great achievement and facilitates High Achievers Scholarship. The university offers three award tiers for this scholarship. The reward amount depends on course GPAs and undergraduate GPAs.

In tier 1, the students get a reward amount of $90,000, awarded $9,000 per payment period (1-4) plus intersession, then $11,250 per payment period (5-8).

To avail of tier 1 reward amount, the students must have recommended course GPA between 3.71 and 3.80.

The American University of Antigua facilitates a reward amount $95,000, awarded $9,500 per payment period (1-4) plus intersession, then $11,875 per payment period (5-8). To avail of this scholarship, the students must have a GPA between 3.81 and 3.90 in the recommended courses.

There is one more tier under this scholarship that has a reward amount of $100,000, awarded $10,000 per payment period (1-4) plus intersession, then $12,500 per payment period (5-8). To get the benefit of this scholarship, the students must have a scholarship GPA between 3.91 and 4.0.

5.   Success Scholarship

If you want to pursue a physician course, the AUA offers a successful scholarship for students with strong academic UG performance.

The reward amount of this scholarship depends on both recommended courses GPA and UG GPAs. As per academic record, limited scholarship awards are available for it.

Under this scholarship, the reward amount is $80,000, awarded $8,000 per payment period (1-4) plus intersession and $10,000 per payment period (5-8). The scholarship is offered in the recommended courses with GPA between 3 and 3.70. The best part is you don’t have to apply for this scholarship, you are already awarded with this scholarship if you qualify for this.

6.   New York Scholarship

The students studied from the American University of Antigua get more residencies in New York than anywhere else in the states. To encourage students to cater to their needs in the state of New York, AUA provides New York Scholarship.

Under this, the award amount is $20,000, awarded $4,000 per payment period (1-4) plus intersession. To get the benefits of this scholarship, you must have pursued recommended courses with a GPA of 3 and above. Moreover, the student must be a resident of New York state.

Summing Up

The American University of Antigua is a prestigious university that offers numerous medical courses. AUA is recognized and accredited by several renowned educational bodies, including the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) and the United States Department of Education. This allows it to meet the high standards.

If you have any financial constraints and are willing to pursue medical courses from AUA, you may avail of various scholarships.

To check out the eligibility criteria for the scholarships that meet your needs, visit their website today!

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