HomePosts Tagged "The Incredibles"

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Want to know how to dress up like your favorite hero? Or look like your dream movie star actor? Here's everything you need to know.

Any Disney movie can bring tons of inspiration to you, whether you're a kid or a kid at heart. Check out our favorite quotes from the House of

What's your sign? Your astrology sign can help you pick some great movies you'll enjoy. Watch some thrilling movies based on your sun sign now!

Have you caught up with some of the best and newest Disney movies of the past decade? Test your Disney knowledge and take on this daring quiz.

Everybody has a story, even villains like 'Cruella'. We're all more than meets the eye, so let’s see some of the best movies giving bad guys a backstory!

Have you watched all Pixar films, sequels included? Have you soaked up all the behind-the-scenes trivia? Test your knowledge with our Pixar quiz!

Superhero movies have become our new cinematic mythology. But what if we’re looking at their 21st-century rise the wrong way?

To keep you hyped before 'The Boys' premieres, check out these other non-traditional superhero movies that offer similar alternative twists.