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5 Tips for Creating a Promotional Video That Will Stand Out

If you’ve been thinking about creating a promotional video, you’re probably wondering how to make sure your video stands out. After all, there are plenty of businesses out there that need more exposure—and what better way to get it than by creating a promotional video? It can be tempting to try and make something that’s flashy and over-the-top in order to grab people’s attention. But those kinds of videos don’t necessarily work as well when it comes to engaging an audience or getting them excited about what you have going on. So today we’re going to share five tips for creating a promotional video that will stand out:

Create a Message That Resonates

Now that you’ve got your video idea and script, it’s time to start filming. There are a few things to keep in mind while filming:

  • Be clear about what you are trying to communicate. The message of the video should be crystal-clear at all times, so make sure that it stays consistent throughout the entire piece.
  • Be honest with your audience. Don’t try too hard or overdo things; just be yourself! Your personality will shine through if you just let yourself be authentic on camera (or off).
  • Be relevant to your audience–not necessarily just their age group but also where they live and work, as well as their interests and hobbies (if any). This will help ensure that viewers relate better with what’s being shown in each shot since those elements could otherwise feel foreign or disconnected from reality for some reason (like maybe because someone doesn’t know about something specific happening nearby?).

This last point leads directly into another important aspect: creativity! It’s important not only because creativity sparks interest from potential customers who might otherwise pass up opportunities like this one but also because it makes people feel more comfortable engaging within certain environments–which is exactly what we want when conducting business transactions such as yours may require.”

Use Studiobox Setup for Remote Video Production

Studiobox is a portable, professional video production studio that can be set up in minutes. It’s the perfect solution for remote video production and live streaming.

Studiobox is a complete mobile video production studio with everything you need to create amazing content wherever your story takes you: camera, lights, microphone and soundproofing panels – all packed into an easy-to-transport case weighing only 50 pounds! Our team has been traveling around the world with our Studioboxes ; they’ve filmed everything from concerts to conferences to weddings (and even births!).

We offer several different models depending on what kind of shoot you’re planning–from one person interviews up through multi-camera shoots involving multiple locations and actors–but all share these same features:

Keep It Short and Sweet

  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Keep your video to less than two minutes, unless you’re creating an explainer video that explains a concept or product in detail. If you do go over the two-minute mark, make sure your message is clear and engaging enough to hold people’s attention for so long–and don’t worry about keeping things super fast-paced if they need time to process what they’ve just seen!
  • Make sure the message is clear. If there are multiple messages within one video (which is fine), make sure each one gets its own moment in the spotlight through editing techniques like cutting between shots or sequences of shots; this will help viewers understand what parts of each message were most important to you as well as how those messages relate to one another in terms of overall meaning/goal(s).
  • Use simple graphics and animation where possible instead of relying solely on text overlays because they tend not only look more professional but also allow viewers’ eyes something interesting upon which focus while listening rather than being distracted by reading at length when trying hard enough could lead them away altogether before reaching conclusion with no memory whatsoever left behind once finished watching all three episodes back-to-back…

Be Clear with Your Audience

  • Be Clear with Your Audience

Your audience is likely to be confused if your message is unclear. Avoid jargon, and use simple language that can be understood by most people. If you’re trying to sell something, explain why it’s important for them to buy it (e.g., “The new product will help you increase productivity by 25%”). Use examples from real life or other businesses that have successfully implemented your idea in order to illustrate how it works in practice

Be Interesting

The key to a great promotional video is to be interesting. This can be achieved by showing your audience something they haven’t seen before, or giving them a new perspective on something they already know.

You could also be interesting by being authentic and honest with your viewers–show them who you really are, what it’s like to work at your company and why it’s such an awesome place for people to work (or not).

Keep It Simple

  • Use a simple background.
  • Keep the message clear and concise.
  • Use a plain font, like Helvetica or Arial, so it’s easy to read on all devices.
  • Don’t use music unless it’s relevant to your message (e.g., if you’re making an explainer video about how your product works).

The best way to engage your audience is to be honest and straightforward.

The best way to engage your audience is to be honest and straightforward. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, or become overly clever or funny, because that will come across as insincere. Instead, focus on being yourself and sharing what you know in a manner that’s genuine and sincere–and maybe even a little bit vulnerable.


With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create a promotional video that stands out from the rest. The best way to engage your audience is to be honest and straightforward.

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