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6 Ways to Grow Sales for Your Startup Fast

The startup landscape is a fierce battleground where competitors lurk at every corner. One way to cement your position is to grow sales fast. Yet, this can be an uphill fight, with resources often in short supply.

This article shares six tips from top online sales courses to achieve rapid growth.

Use Guerrilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing is a low-cost, high-impact way to grab attention without breaking the bank. When done well, it can create buzz and put your startup in the spotlight.

These types of campaigns have a 15% higher response rate than traditional advertising, according to MarketSplash. The return on investment is also impressive. The same research revealed that guerrilla marketing campaigns can generate an average ROI of 4.5 to 5 times the initial investment.

Here are a few ideas to incorporate when designing your marketing to grab people’s attention:

  • Add an element of surprise or unexpectedness.
  • Allow your viewer to participate or interact with your campaign.
  • Have a clear and concise message and strong visuals.

Create a Referral Program

Happy customers can be your secret weapon for rapid sales growth in the cutthroat startup landscape. People are 90% more likely to trust and buy from a brand recommended by a friend, according to Nielsen.

Insider Intelligence also found that referrals are the second-best revenue source for small businesses in the US. To build a successful referral program:

  • Make it easy to participate: Let customers refer their friends with just a few clicks or taps.
  • Offer a valuable incentive: The more valuable the reward, the more motivated your customers will be to participate in your program.
  • Have a seamless redemption process: Make it easy for customers to claim their rewards.
  • Promote your program: Let your customers know it exists and how they can join.

Build a Strong Social Media Footprint

There are over 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide, Statista states.  Such a vast user base provides startups with a huge opportunity to grow sales fast.

Courses in online sales strategies say companies that use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can help startups generate leads and build relationships. A study by Social Media Examiner found that social media can generate up to 60% of all leads for B2B businesses.

To build a strong social media footprint:

  • Create great content that appeals to your target customer.
  • Host contests and giveaways that will generate excitement and buzz.
  • Partner with other businesses to cross-promote each other’s products or services.

Design Your Website for Conversions

A well-crafted website welcomes potential customers at your doorstep. However, a visit to your website doesn’t guarantee a sale. The best way to improve the chances a visitor becomes a customer is to design your website for conversions.

A study by ConversionXL found that a 1% increase in conversion rate can lead to a 10% increase in revenue. Market share can also rise by up to 30%, according to research by Forrester.

To help turn website visitors into customers:

  • Use clear and specific call-to-action buttons.
  • Create a seamless browsing experience.
  • Have a smooth checkout process.
  • Display trust signals, such as reviews, to build credibility.

Host Webinars or Workshops

When potential customers see that you are an expert in your field, they are more likely to trust you and your product or service. Webinars or workshops are a great way to showcase your expertise.

These interactive events are also an excellent source of leads. Studies by Bizzabo show that startups can generate up to 50% more leads through events than other marketing channels. Also, on average, webinars generate $2,000 in sales per attendee, according to Invesp.

To host an event that engages and captivates your audience:

  • Choose a topic that is relevant to your target audience.
  • Promote your webinar or workshop well in advance.
  • Make sure your webinar or workshop is well-organized and informative.
  • Offer a gift or incentive to attendees.
  • Follow up with attendees after the webinar or workshop.

Build Strategic Alliances

Partnerships with complementary businesses can turbocharge sales. The right alliance can open access to new markets, resources, and expertise. GoPro and Red Bull are one impressive example. The two companies joined forces in 2016.

In the year following the announcement of the alliance, GoPro’s website traffic increased by 200% and their sales rose by 40%. Red Bull’s social media following increased by 15% and revenue saw a 10% jump.

Keep the following in mind when choosing a partner:

  • Look for a partner whose goals and values align with yours.
  • Seek a partner who has complementary expertise, skills, or resources.
  • Consider the potential partner’s reputation and track record.
  • Consider the mutual benefits that the alliance can offer.

Now armed with these six proven methods, it’s time to act. However, remember, Rome was not built in a day. Each suggestion takes time and effort to implement. That’s why online sales courses suggest tackling them one at a time. This allows you to fully dedicate your resources and attention to each method and improve your chances of building a thriving business.

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