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How much is Obsidian worth?

Obsidian, an ancient volcanic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava, has captivated human fascination for thousands of years. Revered for its sharpness and distinct appearance, it has been used by various civilizations throughout history to create weapons, tools, and ornamental objects. Today, this unique natural material continues to hold a significant value in multiple industries. 

Determining the worth of  can be a complex task influenced by various factors such as quality, rarity, size, and cultural significance. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of assessing the value of obsidian worth and explore how its price is determined in today’s market.

What is obsidian used for?

Obsidian, a stunning volcanic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava, has been utilized for various purposes throughout history. Known for its sharpness and durability, it was used by ancient civilizations primarily as tools and weapons. The razor-sharp edges of obsidian blades made them ideal for cutting through animal hides, carving wood, or even performing delicate surgical procedures. In fact, ancient Egyptians employed this versatile material in their embalming rituals due to its ability to create precise incisions.

Beyond its practical applications, it also holds immense cultural significance. Many indigenous communities considered it a sacred stone with powerful metaphysical properties. It was used in spiritual practices such as divination and scrying; shamans believed that gazing into an obsidian mirror would allow them to communicate with spirits or gain insight into the future.

What is the most expensive and rarest type of Obsidian?

It is a strikingly beautiful volcanic glass that has fascinated mankind for centuries. Not all obsidians are created equal. Some types of these are extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike. These exceptional varieties can command exorbitant prices due to their scarcity and unique characteristics.

 Following are the rarest types of Obsidian;

Snowflake obsidian

Snowflake obsidian is a captivating gemstone renowned for its intriguing appearance and rich cultural significance. This volcanic glass, formed when molten lava cools rapidly, features striking snowflake-like patterns scattered across its jet-black surface. The contrasting white patches resemble delicate snowflakes drifting in the night sky, hence the stone’s evocative name. 

Beyond its aesthetic allure, this gemstone carries centuries of meaning and spiritual significance. Snowflake obsidian has been revered by various cultures for its powerful healing properties and protective energies. Native American tribes believed that this stone possessed the ability to bring balance and harmony to both mind and body. It was often used during meditation practices to promote inner peace and dispel negative energies.

Rainbow Obsidian

When it comes to gemstones, few can rival the captivating allure of Rainbow Obsidian. This unique volcanic glass showcases a stunning array of colours that seems almost magical. From deep blues and purples to vibrant greens and fiery reds, each piece of Rainbow Obsidian boasts its own mesmerizing pattern, making it a true marvel for gemstone enthusiasts.

What sets Rainbow Obsidian apart from other obsidians is its iridescent sheen. When held up to light, this remarkable stone reveals an enchanting play of colors reminiscent of a shimmering rainbow dancing across the surface. The phenomenon known as “arborescence” occurs due to tiny mineral inclusions within the obsidian that reflect and refract light, creating these striking hues.

Fire Obsidian

With its captivating and enchanting beauty, fire obsidian has become one of the most sought-after gemstones in recent years. This volcanic glass, also known as “dragon’s glass” or “volcanic rainbow,” derives its name from the mesmerizing play of colors that seem to flicker like flames under certain lighting conditions. Its distinctive appearance is a result of natural iridescence caused by tiny gas bubbles trapped during the rapid cooling process after an eruption. 

It is primarily found in locations with a volcanic history such as Mexico, Iceland, and New Zealand. The gemstone’s color palette ranges from vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow to exquisite combinations with blues, purples, and greens.

Golden Obsidian

In the realm of precious gemstones, a few stones possess the allure and mystique of golden obsidian. This rare variety of obsidian exhibits a captivating golden sheen that sets it apart from its more common black counterpart. With its unique combination of beauty and intrigue, it has become highly sought after by collectors and crystal enthusiasts around the world.

One of the most intriguing aspects of golden obsidian is its formation process. This stunning gemstone is formed when volcanic lava cools rapidly, resulting in a smooth glassy texture. The presence of microscopic bubbles trapped within the cooling lava gives rise to an internal structure that creates the mesmerizing gold-colored sheen observed in this gemstone. Its rarity can be attributed to specific geological conditions required for its formation, making it a truly unique find among gemstones.

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian is a captivating gemstone that effortlessly entices with its deep, rich tones and mesmerizing patterns. This striking stone is formed when volcanic lava cools rapidly, resulting in a unique combination of black obsidian and reddish-brown mahogany. The stunning contrast between the two colors creates an exquisite natural artwork that has been treasured for centuries.

One of the most notable aspects of this Obsidian is its powerful healing properties. It is believed to have a grounding effect on individuals, helping them to connect with the Earth’s energy and find stability in their lives. Just as the stone emerges from volcanic activity, it symbolizes strength and resilience in times of adversity. Many also turn to Mahogany Obsidian for emotional support, as it aids in releasing negative energy and promoting feelings of self-acceptance and forgiveness.

Apache tears Obsidian

Apache Tears Obsidian, also known as the “stone of tears,” is a unique and intriguing gemstone that has captivated people for centuries. This volcanic glass, found mainly in Arizona and Mexico, gets its name from an ancient legend involving the Apache tribe. According to the tale, after a fierce battle between the Apache’s and US Cavalry, many Apache warriors were left grieving over the loss of their comrades. As their tears fell to the ground, they turned into small black stones – hence the name.

But this stone is not just steeped in legends; it also holds immense healing properties. Apache Tears Obsidian is believed to be a strong protective stone that shields against negative energies and psychic attacks. It acts as an emotional cleanser by absorbing and transmuting feelings of grief, sorrow, or resentment into positive energy.


The value of obsidian varies greatly and is dependent on a variety of factors such as quality, size, and rarity. While it can be found relatively inexpensively in its raw form, refined obsidian used for jewelry or decorative purposes can command significantly higher prices. The cultural and historical significance of obsidian adds to its worth, particularly when it comes from specific regions or has been fashioned into unique artifacts. 

Regardless of its monetary value, obsidian remains a fascinating and beautiful stone that continues to captivate collectors and enthusiasts alike. Whether you are interested in purchasing it or simply learning more about its history and uses, there is no denying the allure of this ancient gemstone.


1. What factors determine the worth of Obsidian?

Obsidian’s worth is influenced by its quality, color, size, and rarity.

2. Is Obsidian considered a valuable gemstone?
Yes, Obsidian is highly valued for its unique properties and uses in jewelry making.

3. Can Obsidian be more expensive than other gemstones?
While it depends on the specific type and quality, certain varieties of Obsidian can indeed command higher prices than some traditional gemstones.

4. How much does a typical piece of Obsidian cost?
The price of an average-sized piece of Obsidian ranges from a few dollars for smaller specimens to several hundred dollars for larger, high-quality pieces.

5. Are there any rare or highly sought-after types of Obsidian that are particularly valuable?
Yes, certain rare types such as Rainbow Obsidian or Mahogany Obsidian can be highly sought-after by collectors, thus commanding higher prices.

6. Does the origin of the Obsidian affect its value?
In some cases, yes. Rare varieties originating from specific locations like Mexico’s Snowflake Obsidian may be priced higher due to their limited availability.

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